- آنتی باکتریال
- درجه کیفیت A+
- سایز متوسط
روسری نخی ساده حاشیه دار مشکی سورمه ای SH-NONE
روسری نخی ریشه پرزی
قواره ۱۲۰*۱۲۰ سایز متوسط
کیفیت خوب
تولید ایرانی
قیمت مناسب
در دورنگ مشکی و سورمه ای
خرید اینترنتی روسری قواره بزرگ
High quality Turkish cotton scarf using the new #Jivar fabric with extremely high print quality
And at the same time, being light and cool is an ideal decision to have a special #style and #stylish and different from others.
Shahdokht Production Group with #creative design and ideation, in order to improve the quality of style and #fashion
Iranian women do their best to make you continue to experience being different from others while wearing #fashion
Zhivar SH12 Cotton Scarves High quality Turkish cotton scarves using the new #Jivar fabric with extremely high print quality
and at the same
time being light and cool, is an ideal decision to have a special #style and #stylish and distinctive from others.
Shahdokht Production Group with #creative design and ideation,
in order to improve the quality of style and #fashion of Iranian women,
makes every effort so that you continue to experience being different from others while #stylish
The product that you see is a large slate scarf of Jivarturk thread,
suitable for your public places, parties and periods with a very suitable cove
هیچ دیدگاهی برای این محصول نوشته نشده است.